
EYFS Curriculum

We use the EYFS as a framework to plan and implement a range of activities in the nursery.  The EYFS  sets out standards that all providers  must adhere  to ensure that children are safe and secure and have access to opportunities to develop and learn.

The Pop Up Nursery identifies these four principles from  the EYFS as key when working with the children in the nursery.

A Unique Child

Every child is a competent learner from birth and can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured.

Positive Relationships

Children learn to be strong and independent from loving and secure relationships with parents and Early Years staff.

Enabling Environment

The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning.

Learning and Development

Children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and interrelated.

How do we  support the children with the EYFS Curriculum

  • We understand that parent/carers are children’s first educator and work in partnership with them to extend children’s learning.
  • We have a key person system in place to ensure that each child’s individual needs are met.
  • We listen to parents/carers and children and encourage them to have a voice in our setting.
  • We provide a safe stimulating environment where children have access to a variety of resources to play, be creative and experiment.
  • We provide space and opportunities in the environment for children to play together, collaborate and learn how to negotiate play.
  • We take into consideration children’s different styles of learning and stages of development and will adapt activities for children’s individual needs.

We use tapestry which is an online application to record children’s progress and keep parent/carers up to date with what their child is doing in the nursery.